I don’t count countries – it is neither a race nor a competition. My style is to visit a region for a month or more in order to hopefully have a deeper experience. I can get to know neighborhoods, favorite local restaurants, take a class, and overall enjoy the immersion with no pressure.
The first half of my life mostly involved travel to Europe. This included living in France for a year as a student, marrying a German, and living in London for three years among other travels. I have mostly closed the book on Europe now, and opened the book on Latin America and elsewhere.
Since January of 2021 I have been traveling to Peru regularly to enjoy the amazing gastronomic scene and learn Spanish. I look forward to exploring the Chilean wine scene and Argentina when the time comes. But for now, there is so much left undone in Peru. Join me, won’t you?
This blog has been a work in progress for several years. I can’t even tell you exactly what the plan is. I have a variety of interests in terms of travel: food, wine, culture, observations on life and experiences. I can’t restrict this blog narrowly into just one topic. Perhaps for this reason my blog lacks marketability. It’s not a business yet. It’s just a collection of my accounts from personal travel.
However…Lately I have been photographing the gastronomic scene in Lima, and thoroughly enjoying this. (The food there is incredible). I’m trying to develop a personal style for food photography. In general this blog is about about travel, wine, and food, all together. But right now, it’s about my travels to Peru.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in varius ante. Sed quis luctus eros. Phasellus rutrum laoreet leo in consequat.
Best Food Blog of 2018
Praesent quam magna, varius in laoreet in, condimentum at augue. Suspendisse viverra scelerisque lacus.
Break-Through Recipe #1
Praesent quam magna, varius in laoreet in, condimentum at augue. Suspendisse viverra scelerisque lacus.
Best Food Blog of 2018
Praesent quam magna, varius in laoreet in, condimentum at augue. Suspendisse viverra scelerisque lacus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in varius ante. Sed quis luctus eros. Phasellus rutrum laoreet leo in consequat.
“Curabitur vulputate ex est, eget congue nibh ultricies ac. Integer ut maximus elit. Nam tempor hendrerit accumsan. Pellentesque sodales lectus a rhoncus porta. Donec non tincidunt enim. Duis sollicitudin quam vitae ex elementum scelerisque. Integer ut maximus.
“Nulla vehicula urna vel velit porttitor, ac auctor sem efficitur. Praesent eleifend ante nec condimentum accumsan. Nam elit enim, rhoncus quis venenatis ut, tristique ac nisi. Duis pulvinar et magna et faucibus. Nullam eget nunc non felis auctor varius sit amet ac nunc.
“Vivamus nec diam velit. Vivamus finibus facilisis porttitor. Donec in auctor sem. Quisque a tincidunt elit, nec rutrum ante. Mauris placerat orci eu dignissim cursus. Duis quis venenatis nisi. Proin nec posuere libero. Quisque nec mi sed est convallis consectetur.